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Terraform Providers - AzureRM

Guide to using the AzureRM Terraform provider.

This guide was written when version 3.52.0 was the latest azurerm provider version.


To configure infrastructure in Microsoft Azure using the Azure Resource Manager API's.


To install the azurerm provider, it needs including within the main terraform configuration block, under required_providers.

The main Terraform configuration block is typically found in

The local name is azurerm.

The source address is hashicorp/azurerm.

The version is optional, however it is recommended.

See Terraform Version Constraints for version configuration.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    # Local name
    azurerm = {
        # Source address (global identifier)
        source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
        # Version Constraints
        version = ">=3.52.0, <3.53"
  required_version = ">=1.4.5, <1.5.0"


To configure the AzureRM provider, a provider block is used.



The only required argument is the features block, which can be left empty if the defaults are being used.

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

Below is how the provider block would look when specifiying all features default settings.

provider "azurerm" {
  features {
    api_management {
      purge_soft_delete_on_destroy = true
      recover_soft_deleted         = true

    app_configuration {
      purge_soft_delete_on_destroy = true
      recover_soft_deleted         = true

    application_insights {
      disable_generated_rule = false

    cognitive_account {
      purge_soft_delete_on_destroy = true

    key_vault {
      purge_soft_delete_on_destroy    = true
      recover_soft_deleted_key_vaults = true

    log_analytics_workspace {
      permanently_delete_on_destroy = true

    managed_disk {
      expand_without_downtime = true

    resource_group {
      prevent_deletion_if_contains_resources = true

    template_deployment {
      delete_nested_items_during_deletion = true

    virtual_machine {
      delete_os_disk_on_deletion     = true
      graceful_shutdown              = false
      skip_shutdown_and_force_delete = false

    virtual_machine_scale_set {
      force_delete                  = false
      roll_instances_when_required  = true
      scale_to_zero_before_deletion = true


The subscription_id argument can be useful to ensure that Terraform runs against the right subscription.

You can find you Azure subscription ID's by following runbook Azure - View Subscriptions

provider "azurerm" {
  features {
    resource_group {}
  subscription_id =  "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

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