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Linux - New User Templates - Utilizing /etc/skel Directory

In the world of Linux system administration, establishing a standardized user environment is a common and significant task. The /etc/skel directory is a key player in this area, not just in Red Hat and Debian-based distributions, but across a wide array of Linux systems. This directory serves as a template for new user accounts, ensuring a consistent and tailored environment for each user.

When a new user account is created, Linux systems automatically replicate the contents of /etc/skel into the user's home directory. This functionality is instrumental in providing each new user with a standard set of files and configurations. This standardization is particularly beneficial in organizational or multi-user environments, ensuring that every user has a baseline set of resources and configurations available from the start.

/etc/skel Directory

The /etc/skel directory in Linux is the default location for storing initial configuration files and directories for new user accounts. This directory contains a variety of files and directories, each serving a distinct purpose in setting up a user's environment.

Inside /etc/skel, you will typically find Bash configuration files like .bashrc, .bash_logout, and .bash_profile. .bashrc sets environment variables and shell settings for interactive sessions, .bash_logout contains commands for when a user logs out, and .bash_profile or .profile are executed at the start of a new session, ensuring a consistent shell environment.

Profile files such as .profile are also crucial, setting global environment variables and configuring aspects of user sessions. This file might include PATH variable settings and initialization commands for commonly used software.

Additionally, initial documents and folders are part of /etc/skel. These might range from basic document templates and directories for organization to starter files like a user instruction README.txt, a Projects directory for work, or a Templates folder with standard document formats.

System administrators often customize /etc/skel to align with specific user needs, adding resources like orientation guides, policy documents, or scripts for common tasks. Customizing default configurations, like setting up aliases in .bashrc or configuring editor settings in .vimrc or .nanorc, is also common.

The automatic replication of these contents into new users' home directories during account creation ensures a standardized starting environment. This feature is particularly helpful in maintaining consistency across multiple user accounts in various environments.

To illustrate, here's an example of what you might see using ls -l in a typical /etc/skel directory:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 220 Jan 19 08:29 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3771 Jan 19 08:29 .bashrc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 19 08:29 Documents
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 807 Jan 19 08:29 .profile
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 19 08:29 Projects
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 19 08:29 Templates
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 200 Jan 19 08:29 README.txt

This output shows the default configuration files along with custom directories like Documents, Projects, and Templates, plus a README.txt file. Managing the permissions of these files and directories is crucial, ensuring they are readable by all users but editable only by administrators, balancing accessibility and security.

Customizing /etc/skel Contents

Customizing the /etc/skel directory is an important task for system administrators in Linux, ensuring that new user accounts are immediately equipped with necessary tools and configurations, tailored to the specific needs of the organization.

To start the customization, access the /etc/skel directory using administrative privileges, as changes made here impact all new user accounts. You can navigate to this directory with the command:

cd /etc/skel

In customizing /etc/skel, the process involves adding, removing, or modifying files and directories according to user needs. For instance, if you need to create a directory for specific resources, execute mkdir custom_resources to create it. Following that, populate this new directory with relevant configuration files, documents, scripts, etc. It's also important to set appropriate permissions for these files to ensure security and user access. An example of setting permissions is:

chmod 644 custom_resources/resource

After customizing /etc/skel, new user accounts will inherit this environment. When creating a new user account, system administrators typically choose between the useradd or adduser commands. The useradd command is a low-level utility for adding users, which you can use as shown below:

sudo useradd -m new_user

On the other hand, adduser is a more user-friendly Perl script, typically used as follows:

sudo adduser new_user

Both commands create a new user and populate their home directory with the contents of /etc/skel.

To verify the successful setup, switch to the new user account and inspect the home directory's contents. This can be done with:

su - new_user
ls -l

The output from ls -l should list the files and directories copied from /etc/skel into the new user's home directory, which might look like this:

drwxr-xr-x 2 new_user new_user 4096 Jan 19 08:29 custom_resources
-rw-r--r-- 1 new_user new_user  220 Jan 19 08:29 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 new_user new_user 3771 Jan 19 08:29 .bashrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 new_user new_user  807 Jan 19 08:29 .profile

Though the customization process is similar across Linux distributions, it's important to consider specific nuances or default settings in each system's version of /etc/skel. Regularly reviewing and updating /etc/skel is advisable to maintain its relevance and security for new users.

Configuring Alternative Directories to /etc/skel

Linux offers the flexibility to set alternative directories to the default /etc/skel for initializing new user accounts, a feature that enables system administrators to manage environments and systems that have different user requirements. As an example, you may create /etc/skel_hr for human resources users, and /etc/skel_finance for the finance department users.

The behavior of the useradd and adduser commands, which are instrumental in user account creation, can be influenced by modifying their respective configuration files. For useradd, commonly used across various Linux distributions, the key configuration file is /etc/default/useradd. This file contains a SKEL variable, which can be altered to point to a different skeleton directory. An example of such a modification in /etc/default/useradd could be:


On the other hand, adduser, frequently found in Debian-based systems, relies on settings in /etc/adduser.conf. Changing the SKEL variable in this file to a new directory path will instruct adduser to use that path as the skeleton directory:


In addition to these configuration file adjustments, the useradd command offers a command-line option for specifying a different skeleton directory. The -k or --skel option can be used for this purpose. For instance, when creating a new user and wanting to use a custom skeleton directory, the command would be:

sudo useradd -m -k /path/to/custom_skel new_user

The -m option is used to create the home directory for the user if it doesn't already exist. When this option is used, the contents of the skeleton directory (modifiable with the -k option) are copied into this newly created home directory. If the -m option isn't specified and the CREATE_HOME setting is not enabled in the system's configuration file, then no home directories will be created by default.

For the adduser command, a similar direct command-line option is not available. It primarily adheres to the configuration specified in /etc/adduser.conf. However, some systems may have both the useradd and adduser command available.


The /etc/skel directory is an essential component in Linux user management, offering a streamlined way to establish standardized user environments across various distributions. Its ability to provide each new user with a pre-configured, consistent set of files and settings is invaluable for administrators. By customizing /etc/skel, you can ensure a uniform and efficient onboarding experience for users, regardless of whether you're working with Red Hat or Debian-based systems. This directory not only simplifies the user setup process but also reflects the adaptability and user-centric design inherent in Linux systems.