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Git Commands: Git Commit

The git commit command is used to save changes to your local Git repository. It allows you to create a new commit with a unique identifier that represents a snapshot of the current state of your project. Commits are essential for tracking the history of your codebase and providing a way to revert changes if needed.

Command Description

The git commit command performs the following actions:

  • Takes all the changes in the staging area (previously added using git add) and creates a new commit.
  • Assigns a unique identifier (commit hash) to the new commit.
  • Records a commit message that describes the changes made in the commit.

Each commit represents a specific set of changes, and together they form a chronological history of your project.

Command Usage and Options

The basic syntax of the git commit command is as follows:

git commit [options]
  • [options]: Additional command options that modify the behavior of the commit command. Some commonly used options include:
    • -m <commit_message>: Provides a commit message inline with the command. This option allows you to specify the commit message in the command itself.
    • -a: Automatically stages modified and deleted files, allowing you to skip the git add step for those files. This option is useful for committing changes to already tracked files.
    • --amend: Modifies the last commit by adding new changes to it. This option is useful for making changes to the most recent commit before pushing it.

Command Examples

  • Basic Commit:

    git commit -m "Add new feature"

    This command creates a new commit with the specified commit message. The changes in the staging area are included in the commit.

  • Commit All Modified Files:

    git commit -a -m "Update files"

    The -a option automatically stages all modified and deleted files, allowing you to skip the git add step. This command creates a new commit with the specified commit message, including all modified files.

  • Amend the Last Commit:

    git commit --amend -m "Add more changes"

    The --amend option modifies the most recent commit by adding new changes to it. This command updates the commit message and includes additional changes in the latest commit.


The git commit command is an essential tool for saving changes to your local Git repository. It allows you to create commits that represent specific sets of changes and provide meaningful commit messages to describe the changes made. Commits form a chronological history of your project and enable version control and collaboration.

In this guide, we covered the basic usage of the git commit command, along with some commonly used options. Remember to add changes to the staging area using git add before committing them. The -a option can be used to automatically stage modified files, and the --amend option allows you to modify the most recent commit.

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