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Azure DNS Zone Creation and Domain Delegation

Azure DNS is a service for hosting your domain's DNS system, offering enhanced capabilities, scalability, and integration with other Azure services. The guide is divided into two main sections:

  • Creating a DNS Zone: This section covers the process of creating a DNS zone in Azure, starting from accessing the Azure portal to deploying and verifying your DNS zone.
  • Delegating a Domain: The second part guides you through the process of delegating your domain to Azure DNS, which includes configuring your domain with Azure's name servers and verifying the successful delegation.

By the end of this guide, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively utilize Azure DNS for your domain management needs. Let's start by exploring the creation of a DNS zone in Azure.

Creating a DNS Zone in Azure

Creating a DNS zone in Azure is a straightforward process that involves several key steps. This section guides you through each step, ensuring a smooth and successful creation of your DNS zone.

Accessing DNS Zones in Azure Portal

The journey begins in the Azure portal, where you access the DNS zones service:

  1. Log into the Azure Portal: Navigate to and sign in with your credentials.
  2. Search for DNS Zones: Use the search bar at the top of the portal to search for "dns zones".
  3. Open DNS Zones Service: In the search results, click on DNS zones under Services to open the DNS zones dashboard.


  4. Initiate DNS Zone Creation: Click on the + Create button to begin the DNS zone creation process.


Configuring Basic Settings

Next, configure the basic settings of your DNS zone:

  1. Select Subscription: Choose the Azure subscription under which the DNS zone will be created.
  2. Resource Group: Opt for an existing resource group or create a new one. Define the location if a new group is being created.
  3. Name: Set as the parent DNS zone name.
  4. Proceed to Tags: After configuring the basics, click Next : Tags > to move to the tagging section.


Utilizing Tags for Organization

Tags are instrumental for resource organization and management in Azure:

  1. Add Tags: Define a Name and Value for each tag. Tags can be used to categorize resources, like differentiating between 'production' and 'development' environments.
  2. Advance to Review: Once tagging is complete, select Next : Review + create > to proceed to the final review stage.


Reviewing and Creating the DNS Zone

Before the final creation, a review of your configurations is conducted:

  1. Validation Check: Azure will automatically perform a validation of your settings. Wait for the Validation passed message.
  2. Deploy DNS Zone: Click Create to initiate the deployment of your DNS zone. Deployment typically completes within a few minutes.


Verifying the DNS Zone

Post-deployment, it's important to verify the DNS zone:

  1. Access DNS Zone: Use the Go to resource button to access the dashboard of your newly created DNS zone.


  2. DNS Zone Overview: The overview page provides comprehensive information and settings for your DNS zone. Here, you can manage DNS records and configure additional settings.


By following these steps, you will have successfully created a DNS zone in Azure, laying the foundation for effective domain name management within the Azure environment.

Delegating a Domain to Azure DNS

After creating a DNS zone in Azure, the next step is delegating your domain to Azure DNS. This process involves configuring your domain to use Azure's name servers, ensuring that your domain's DNS queries are managed by Azure DNS.

Before proceeding with domain delegation, ensure you have a DNS zone created in Azure. If you haven't created one yet, please refer to the previous section of this guide.

Domain Delegation Process

Delegating your domain to Azure DNS involves updating your domain's name server records to point to Azure's name servers. Follow these steps to delegate your domain:

  1. Access Azure DNS Zones Overview: Navigate to the DNS zones overview page in your Azure portal.
  2. Note Azure Name Servers: On the DNS zone's overview page, you will find a list of name servers assigned by Azure. Record these servers as they are essential for the delegation process.


  3. Login to Your Domain Registrar: Access the website of the registrar where your domain is registered.

  4. Edit Name Servers: Find the option to change your domain's name servers. This option might be labeled as Edit nameservers or something similar.


  5. Enter Azure Name Servers: Input the Azure DNS name servers you noted earlier into the appropriate fields on your registrar's site. Note that some registrars might require you to omit or include the trailing '.' at the end of the name server addresses.


  6. Save Changes: After entering the Azure DNS name servers, save the changes to update your domain's configuration.

  7. Confirm Changes: Some registrars may require a confirmation step to finalize the changes.


Verifying Domain Delegation

After updating your domain's name servers to point to Azure DNS, it's important to verify that the delegation process has been successful. Keep in mind that changes to DNS settings can take some time to propagate across the internet. This delay varies and can range from a few minutes to up to 48 hours in some cases. During this time, DNS queries may still be directed to the old name servers.

To verify domain delegation to Azure DNS:

  1. Wait for DNS Propagation: After updating the name servers, it's recommended to wait a few hours before verifying. This allows time for DNS propagation to occur globally. In some cases, you might need to wait up to 48 hours for complete propagation.
  2. Use nslookup Command: Once you've allowed sufficient time for propagation, use the nslookup command to check the delegation. Replace with your actual domain name:

    nslookup -type=SOA
  3. Check Output: Examine the command's output to confirm Azure DNS is now handling your DNS queries. The primary name server listed in the output should correspond to one of Azure DNS's name servers.

    Non-authoritative answer:
        origin = ns****
        mail addr =
        serial  = 1
        refresh = 3600
        retry   = 300
        expire  = 2419200
        minimum = 60

If the output does not yet show Azure DNS as the primary name server, it's advisable to wait a bit longer and retry. Remember, DNS changes are not instantaneous and require time to fully take effect across the internet.

Completing these steps ensures that your domain is successfully delegated to Azure DNS, allowing for efficient management of DNS records and leveraging Azure's robust DNS infrastructure for your domain.


In this guide, we've explored the essentials of Azure DNS, detailing the processes for creating a DNS zone and delegating a domain within Azure. These steps are integral to managing your domain's DNS efficiently, utilizing Azure's robust infrastructure. As you move forward, you're now equipped to handle your DNS needs effectively in Azure, benefiting from its scalability, reliability, and integration capabilities. This foundational knowledge paves the way for you to further delve into the advanced features and benefits that Azure DNS offers.

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