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Terraform Providers - Version Constraints

Understanding and effectively using version constraints is essential in managing Terraform providers. This guide provides detailed insights and practical examples to help you master the application of version constraints in Terraform.

Introduction to Version Constraints

Version constraints in Terraform are a way to specify which versions of a provider are acceptable for your configuration. These constraints ensure that your infrastructure is built with specific, predictable versions of providers, reducing the chances of unexpected changes or incompatibilities.


Terraform supports a range of operators to define version constraints. Each operator serves a unique purpose, allowing for precise control over the versions used.

= (Equal)

  • Purpose: Specifies an exact version number.
  • Use Case: Ideal when you need to lock a provider to a specific version for consistency.
  • Example:

    required_providers {
      azurerm = {
        source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
        version = "=3.51.0"

    The = operator is exclusive and cannot be combined with other operators.

!= (Not Equal)

  • Purpose: Excludes a specific version number.
  • Use Case: Useful to avoid a particular version that may have known issues.
  • Example:

    required_providers {
      azurerm = {
        source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
        version = "!=3.51.0"

> (Greater Than)

  • Purpose: Accepts versions newer than the specified one.
  • Use Case: To always use a version newer than a known stable release.
  • Example:

    required_providers {
      azurerm = {
        source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
        version = ">3.51.0"

>= (Greater Than or Equal)

  • Purpose: Accepts versions equal to or newer than the specified one.
  • Use Case: To ensure a minimum version while allowing updates.
  • Example:

    required_providers {
      azurerm = {
        source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
        version = ">=3.51.0"

< (Less Than)

  • Purpose: Accepts versions older than the specified one.
  • Use Case: Ideal when newer versions introduce breaking changes or incompatibilities.
  • Example:

    required_providers {
      azurerm = {
        source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
        version = "<3.51.0"

<= (Less Than or Equal)

  • Purpose: Accepts versions equal to or older than the specified one.
  • Use Case: To limit to a known stable version or before a breaking change.
  • Example:

    required_providers {
      azurerm = {
        source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
        version = "<=3.51.0"

~> (Pessimistic Constraint)

  • Purpose: Accepts versions that are at least the specified version but less than the next major version.
  • Use Case: Ideal for accepting backward-compatible updates without risking major version changes.
  • Example:

    required_providers {
      azurerm = {
        source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
        version = "~>3.51.0"

    Explanation: This constraint would include patch releases like 3.51.1, 3.51.2, up to but not including 3.52.0.

Mixing Operators

For more nuanced control, you can combine different operators in a single constraint. This approach provides flexibility in defining a range of acceptable versions.

  • Example:

    required_providers {
      azurerm = {
        source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
        version = ">=3.51.0, <3.53.0"

    Explanation: This constraint allows any version from 3.51.0 up to, but not including, 3.53.0.

Best Practices

  1. Regularly Update Constraints: Keep your constraints updated to take advantage of new features and security fixes.
  2. Avoid Overly Restrictive Constraints: While it's important to avoid unexpected changes, overly restrictive constraints can prevent beneficial updates.
  3. Understand Semantic Versioning: Familiarize yourself with semantic versioning as it's a common versioning scheme used by Terraform providers.


Mastering version constraints in Terraform is key to maintaining stable and predictable infrastructure. By using these operators wisely, you can ensure your infrastructure aligns with your specific requirements and changes in a controlled and manageable manner.

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