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Terraform AzureRM - azurerm_service_plan

Guide to managing Azure App Service Plans using Terraform.


If you need to install The azurerm Terraform provider, follow:

Declare App Service Plan

Resource Block

The local name will need setting.

resource "azurerm_service_plan" "<local name>" {

Required Arguments

The required arguments are:


The name of the App Service Plan.

name = "asp-<project, app or service>-<environment>-<###>"

Changing this argument will recreate the resource.


Specifies the location of the resource.

location = "uksouth"

To list all locations, you can run:

Get-AzLocation | select-object location

Changing this argument will recreate the resource.


Specifies the Operating Systems the plan will host.

Valid options are:

  • Linux
  • Windows
  • WindowsContainer
os_type = "Linux"

Changing this argument will recreate the resource.


Specifies the resource group the App Service Plan should reside in.

resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.<local name>.name

Changing this argument will recreate the resource.


The SKU to use for the App Service Plan.

Valid options are:

B1, B2, B3, D1, F1, FREE, I1, I1v2, I2, I2v2, I3, I3v2, I4v2, I5v2, I6v2, P0V3, P1MV3, P1V2, P1V3, P2MV3, P2V2, P2V3, P3MV3, P3V2, P3V3, P4MV3, P5MV3, S1, S2, S3, SHARED, WS1, WS2, WS3.

Valid options at the time of writing. Visit az appservice plan to check for any updates.

Optional Arguments

Some optional arguments are:


Specifies the number of instances you App Service Plan can run.

worker_count = 1


Set as many key value pairs that you need.

tags = {
  environment = "demo"
  source      = "terraform"

Example Declaration

This is an example for declaring an App Service Plan:

resource "azurerm_service_plan" "asp-dtvlinux-001" {
  name                = "asp-dtvlinux-demo-001"
  resource_group_name = "rg-webapp-demo-001"
  location            = "westus2"
  os_type             = "Linux"
  sku_name            = "B1"
  tags                = {
    environment = "demo"
    source      = "terraform"

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