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RHCSA - Operate Running Systems: Identify CPU/Memory Intensive Processes & Kill Processes

In this guide we will explore how to kill and identify CPU & memory intensive processes, and how to kill multiple processes of the same name.

Lesson Setup

The lesson setup will ensure that you have some processes to work with throughout this guide.

Setup high CPU and Memory processes, and setup up multiple processes of the same command:

# Install stress-ng
sudo yum install stress-ng

Enter sudo password when prompted.

# Run stress-ng in the background to create a high CPU process
stress-ng -c 1 &

# Run stress-ng in the background to create a high CPU process
stress-ng -m 1 --vm-bytes 1024M &

# Setup multiple processes of the same command
for i in {1..10}
  sleep 100000$i &

kill Command

The kill command in Linux is utilized to send signals to processes, providing the ability to terminate or control their behavior. It becomes especially valuable when dealing with unresponsive programs or when you wish to interact gracefully with a running process.

To execute the kill command, you need to provide a Process ID (PID) as its argument. By default, it sends the SIGTERM signal to terminate the process. However, you have the option to specify different signals using flags to perform various actions on the target process. The table below outlines the most common flags and their respective functionalities:

Flag (Numeric) Flag (Word) Description
-1 -SIGHUP Hangup: Terminate a process after disconnecting from a terminal.
-2 -SIGINT Interrupt: Terminate a process with a keyboard interrupt (Ctrl+C).
-3 -SIGQUIT Quit: Terminate a process and generate a core dump.
-9 -SIGKILL Kill: Forcefully terminate a process (cannot be caught or ignored).
-15 -SIGTERM Terminate: Default signal to terminate a process gracefully.
-17 -SIGSTOP Stop: Pause a process (cannot be caught or ignored).
-18 -SIGCONT Continue: Resume a paused process, often after SIGSTOP.
-19 -SIGSTOP Terminal Stop: Pause a process using job control.
-20 -SIGTSTP Terminal Stop: Pause a process (Ctrl+Z).

There are many other signals available, just run kill -l to list them all.

Identify & Kill Memory Intensive Processes

To identify memory intensive processes you can use ps or top commands.

To quit out of top, press Q.

In either of the following 2 exercises, note down the PID of the high memory process.

Identifying memory intensive process using ps:

ps -eo pid,%mem,comm --sort=-%mem | head

The output should show the PID and memory usage for our stress-ng-vm process created in the lesson setup.

Identifying memory intensive process using top:

Running top with the -o %MEM arguments will launch top sorted by memory usage.

top -o %MEM

The stress-ng-vm process should be the first process in the top display.

You can launch top on its own and then sort on %MEM also.


Now press Shift+M.

In the following exercise you will use the PID obtained earlier.

Kill high memory process:

Attempt to kill the high memory process.

kill <PID>

Check if the process still exists.

ps <PID>

If the process still exists, forcefully kill it.

kill -9 <PID>

Identify & Kill CPU Intensive Processes

To identify CPU intensive processes you can use ps or top commands.

In either of the following 2 exercises, note down the PID of the high memory process.

Identifying CPU intensive process using ps:

ps -eo pid,%cpu,comm --sort=-%cpu | head

The output should show the PID and CPU usage for our stress-ng-vm process created in the lesson setup.

Identifying CPU intensive process using top:


The stress-ng-cpu process should be the first process in the top display.

In the following exercise you will use the PID obtained earlier for the high CPU process.

Kill high CPU process:

Attempt to kill the high CPU process.

kill <PID>

Check if the process still exists.

ps <PID>

If the process still exists, forcefully kill it.

kill -9 <PID>

kill Multiple of the Same Process

There may be occasions where multiple of the same process are spawned and it is not practical to locate each PID to kill them individually. In this scenario you can use the killall command and pass it the name of the process.

Kill all of the sleep processes:

Confirm that our 10 sleep processes created in the lesson setup still exist.

ps -ef | grep sleep

You should have output similar to:

user    3664    3064  0 08:11 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep 1000001
user    3665    3064  0 08:11 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep 1000002
user    3666    3064  0 08:11 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep 1000003
user    3667    3064  0 08:11 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep 1000004
user    3668    3064  0 08:11 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep 1000005
user    3669    3064  0 08:11 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep 1000006
user    3670    3064  0 08:11 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep 1000007
user    3671    3064  0 08:11 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep 1000008
user    3672    3064  0 08:11 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep 1000009
user    3673    3064  0 08:11 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep 10000010

To kill all the sleep commands, run:

killall sleep

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