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RHCSA - Red Hat 9 Installation

Follow this guide to perform the Red Hat 9 installations that you can use to follow along in this RHCSA course.


You will want to follow this guide twice so that you have two installations to work on.

The first server will be where the majority of exercises can be followed along from and will be the server to use if none is specified. The second server is for exercises that require connecting to a remote system, such as; using SSH, SCP, NFS & Autofs.



A Red Hat subscription is required.

Installation Image

The latest Red Hat 9 installation images can be found on the Red Hat download page:

Select the Red Hat Enterprise Linux product.

You may get prompted to login to Red Hat if not done so already.

Select Download Now for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x Binary DVD image.

Creating The Virtual Machines

In your hypervisor of choice, create two virtual machines, one called called server1, the other called server2.

Ensure they have:

  • A 20GB drive attached
  • 2 CPUs
  • 8GB of RAM


Those requirements are a guide only, if you are limited on CPU & RAM availability then dropping the values may be ok, but the systems will run slower.

If you are using Oracle Virtual Box, see the below guide if you need assistance:

Red Hat 9 Install

Start the VM, then select Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x.


Installation Language

Choose your prefered language then select Continue.


Installation Summary Screen

This is the Installation Summary screen that will be referenced in the upcoming sections.


Network & Host Name

On the Installation Summary screen, select Network & Host Name.

To enable the network, toggle the switch in the top right corner to ON.

Set the Host Name to your hostname.domain, then select Apply

For home use, set this to as per

Select Done, to return to the Installation Summary screen.


Time & Date

On the Installation Summary screen, select Time & Date.

Select your Region & City.

Ensure Network Time toggle is set to ON.

If a warning banner is present stating You have no working NTP server configured, then toggle OFF & ON the Network Time.

Select Done, to return to the Installation Summary screen.


Connect to Red Hat

On the Installation Summary screen, select Connect to Red Hat.

Enter your Red Hat User name & Password.

Untick Insights.

Select Register.


The screen should now display the subscription that has been attached to the server.

Select Done, to return to the Installation Summary screen.


Software Selection

On the Installation Summary screen, select Software Selection.

Choose Server with GUI as the Base Environment.

Select Done, to return to the Installation Summary screen.


Installation Destination

On the Installation Summary screen, select Installation Destination.

Under Storage Configuration, choose Custom.

Select Done to proceed to the Manual Partitioning screen.


Click on Click here to create them automatically.


With the ' / ' system highlighted, select Modify which is under Volume Group on the right.


Set the Name to os_vg.

Select Save.

Renaming the volume group to os_vg helps with identification from the output of certain commands, such as lsblk.


Set the Desired Capacity for ' / ' to 15 GiB.

Select Update Settings.

There is no need to allocate the entire disk at this stage, 15 GiB is plenty. This leaves free disk space for allocating later without adding more disks to the VM.

Select Done, to see a Summary of Changes.


Select Accept Changes, to return to the Installation Summary screen.


Root Password

On the Installation Summary screen, select Root Password.

Set the Root Password, ensuring it displays as Strong.

Select Done, to return to the Installation Summary screen.

You may wish to tick Allow root SSH login with password, however in a later step a user with admin permissions is setup which can be used for login. From that user you can switch to root.


User Creation

On the Installation Summary screen, select User Creation.

Set your Full Name & User name.

Tick Make this user administrator.

Set the Password, ensuring it displays as Strong.

Select Done, to return to the Installation Summary screen.


Begin Installation

On the Installation Summary screen, select Begin Installation.

Wait for the installation to complete, then select Reboot System.


Post installation

Following the reboot you will be prompted to login.

On initial login choose No thanks to the tour and/or skip through any initial setup popups.

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