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LPI Linux Essentials Exam 010-160 - Topic 1.2 - Relational Database Management Systems

A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a software system designed to manage, store, and retrieve data in a structured format based on the principles of the relational model. This model organizes data into tables with rows and columns, where each row represents a record and each column represents an attribute or field. RDBMSs are widely used in various applications to store and manage structured data efficiently. They provide mechanisms for data integrity, consistency, and query capabilities using SQL (Structured Query Language).

Open Source Relation Database Management Systems


MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that emerged as a fork of MySQL. It offers a range of key features that make it a good choice for data management. One of its primary strengths lies in its compatibility with MySQL, allowing for a seamless transition from MySQL to MariaDB. This means that existing MySQL applications can often be migrated to MariaDB with minimal effort.

In terms of performance, MariaDB has made significant strides. It incorporates the InnoDB storage engine, known for its robustness and performance, and has also introduced the Aria storage engine, which offers benefits like better crash recovery and performance optimizations. These enhancements contribute to MariaDB's reputation for high-speed data processing.

Security is another vital aspect of MariaDB. It provides numerous security features, including data encryption, user account management, and authentication mechanisms. These features help protect sensitive data and ensure the privacy and security of information stored in the database.

What sets MariaDB apart is its community-driven nature. Like MySQL, MariaDB is open-source and has a vibrant and active community of contributors. This means that it benefits from ongoing development, bug fixes, and the addition of new features based on the needs of the community and users.


PostgreSQL is known for its robustness and extensibility, offering a rich set of features that make it a compelling choice for a wide range of applications.

One of PostgreSQL's standout features is its support for advanced data types. Beyond the standard data types, PostgreSQL includes arrays, hstore (a key-value store), JSON, and JSONB (binary JSON). This extensive support for diverse data types allows users to model and store complex data structures more effectively.

Users can extend the functionality of the database system by creating custom functions, operators, and data types. This extensibility allows developers to tailor PostgreSQL to meet their specific application requirements, making it highly adaptable.

Concurrency control is another area where PostgreSQL excels. It employs Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), which allows for efficient management of concurrent transactions. MVCC ensures data consistency and eliminates the need for locking entire tables during write operations, improving overall database performance.

Scalability is also a key strength of PostgreSQL. It offers features like table partitioning and table inheritance, making it well-suited for handling large datasets and high-traffic applications. This scalability ensures that PostgreSQL can grow with your data needs over time.

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