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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 4.5 - Unit Files: Target

Systemd is a widely used init system and service manager in Linux distributions. It provides a powerful set of tools for managing and troubleshooting services. In this guide, we will focus on Unit files, specifically Target units. Target units define the system state that needs to be reached, such as the default boot state or different user sessions. By understanding Target units and their variations, you will gain the knowledge needed to effectively diagnose and resolve issues in your Linux system. Let's begin.

Unit Files

Unit files are configuration files used by Systemd to define units, which can be services, sockets, devices, mounts, and more. They provide detailed information on how a specific unit should be managed by Systemd. In this guide, our focus will be on Target unit files, which define system states.

Target Unit Files

Target unit files are used to define system states or goals that need to be achieved. They represent different stages in the boot process or specific states during system operation. Let's explore some common Target units and their functionalities.

Default Target (

The Default Target, also known as, represents the default system state that should be reached during the boot process. It defines the initial set of services and units that are activated when the system starts up. The Default Target sets the baseline for the system's operation. To check the current default target, you can use the following command:

systemctl get-default

The output will display the active default target.

Multiuser Target (

The Multiuser Target, also known as, represents the system state where multiple users can log in and use the system. It is commonly used for server environments where the focus is on providing services to multiple users or clients. The Multiuser Target typically includes essential services required for normal system operation without graphical user interfaces. To switch to the Multiuser Target, you can use the following command:

systemctl isolate

This command will transition the system to the Multiuser Target, enabling multi-user functionality.

Network-online Target (

The Network-online Target, also known as, represents the system state where the network connection is fully established and online. It is particularly useful for services that depend on network connectivity. Systemd ensures that units depending on the Network-online Target are started only when network connectivity is available. To check the status of the Network-online Target, you can use the following command:

systemctl is-active

If the output is active, it means the network is online and available.

Graphical Target (

The Graphical Target, also known as, represents the system state where a graphical user interface (GUI) is available. It is typically used on desktop systems where a graphical environment is required. The Graphical Target includes services and units necessary for running a graphical desktop session. To switch to the Graphical Target, you can use the following command:

systemctl isolate

This command will transition the system to the Graphical Target, providing a graphical user interface if one is installed.


In this guide, we explored the usage of Systemd to diagnose and resolve common problems in a Linux environment. By understanding Target unit files, including the Default Target for the boot state, the Multiuser Target for multiple user sessions, the Network-online Target for network-dependent services, and the Graphical Target for graphical user interfaces, you can effectively manage the system's states and troubleshoot issues in your Linux system.

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