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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 4.5 - Common Problems: Journal Issues

In this guide, we will specifically focus on journal issues related to Systemd. The journal is a key component of Systemd that captures and stores logs from the system and services. We will explore common journal-related problems that you may encounter and provide troubleshooting steps to help you resolve them. Let's get started.

Journal Issues

The journal plays a crucial role in troubleshooting and monitoring a Linux system. However, there can be instances where you encounter issues related to the journal itself. Let's explore some common journal issues and learn how to diagnose and resolve them effectively.

Journal Size Limit

By default, Systemd limits the size of the journal to prevent it from consuming excessive disk space. However, if the journal size limit is reached, it can result in truncated or incomplete logs. To address this issue, follow these steps:

  • Check Journal Size Limit: Use the journalctl --disk-usage command to check the current disk usage and the maximum size limit of the journal:

    journalctl --disk-usage

    This shows the sum of the disk usage of all archived and active journal files.

  • Modify Journal Size Limit: If the journal size limit is too low, you can adjust it by modifying the Systemd journal configuration file /etc/systemd/journald.conf.

Locate the SystemMaxUse option and change its value to the desired size limit. For example, SystemMaxUse=500M sets the limit to 500 megabytes.

  • Apply Changes and Restart Systemd: After modifying the journal configuration the changes are applied by restarting the Systemd journal service:

    sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald

Journal Corruption

In rare cases, the Systemd journal files may become corrupted, leading to difficulties in accessing or analyzing logs. To address journal corruption, follow these steps:

  • Check Journal Integrity: Use the journalctl --verify command to check the integrity of the journal files:

    journalctl --verify

    This command verifies the consistency of the journal files and reports any issues found.

  • Repair Journal Files: If journal file corruption is detected, you can attempt to repair it using the journalctl --flush and journalctl --rotate commands:

    journalctl --flush

    This command asks the journal daemon to flush any log data.

    journalctl --rotate

    This command asks the journal daemon to rotate journal files.

Systemd Journal Configuration

Systemd journal behavior can be customized through its configuration file. However, incorrect configuration settings can lead to unexpected behavior or issues with log retention and rotation. Here are some troubleshooting steps related to Systemd journal configuration:

  • Review Journal Configuration: Open the Systemd journal configuration file and check the various configuration options, ensuring they are set appropriately. Common options include log retention policies, compression settings, and log rotation parameters.

  • Restart Systemd Journal: After making changes to the journal configuration file, restart the Systemd journal service to apply the new settings:

    sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald


In this guide, we explored journal issues related to Systemd in a Linux environment. We covered topics such as journal size limit, journal corruption, filtering and searching logs, and Systemd journal configuration.

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