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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 4.4 - Password Issues

In Linux environments, user access is often protected by passwords. Password-related issues can arise, preventing users from logging in or accessing certain resources. This guide focuses on analyzing and troubleshooting password issues to ensure smooth user access. By understanding how to check if a password has expired, change passwords, and handle common password rules, you can effectively resolve password-related problems.

Checking if Password Expired

To determine if a user's password has expired or needs to be changed, you can use the chage command with the -l flag, followed by the username. This command displays detailed information about the user's password settings, including the password expiration date.

chage -l username

The output will include the password expiration date and other information. If the password must be changed, the output will indicate that the "Password must be changed."


$ chage -l username

  Last password change                              : password must be changed
  Password expires                                  : password must be changed
  Password inactive                                 : password must be changed
  Account expires                                   : never
  Minimum number of days between password change    : 0
  Maximum number of days between password change    : 99999
  Number of days of warning before password expires : 7

Changing Password

To change a user's password, you can use the passwd command followed by the username. Running this command prompts you to enter the new password.

$ passwd username

  Enter new UNIX password:
  Retype new UNIX password:

Make sure to choose a secure password and follow any password complexity requirements set by your system's policy.

Common Password Rules

When dealing with password issues, it's essential to be aware of common password rules that could cause problems. These rules often include:

  • Password Length: Many systems require passwords to be a minimum length (e.g., 8 characters) to ensure they are sufficiently secure. If a user's password does not meet this requirement, they will encounter password-related issues.
  • Uppercase and Lowercase Letters: Password policies often require a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. Ensure that the password includes both to meet this requirement.
  • Numbers: Including numbers in passwords adds an extra layer of complexity. Check if the user's password contains at least one number.
  • Symbols: Password policies may require the use of symbols, such as !, @, #, or %. Make sure the password includes at least one symbol if this is a requirement.

By understanding the password rules implemented in your environment, you can help users create passwords that meet the necessary criteria.


Analyzing and troubleshooting password issues is crucial for ensuring smooth user access and maintaining security in Linux environments. By checking if a password has expired, guiding users through the password change process, and being aware of common password rules, you can effectively resolve password-related problems.

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