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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 4.3 - Memory Exhaustion

In a Linux environment, managing memory resources is crucial for optimal system performance. Memory exhaustion can lead to degraded performance and system instability. This guide focuses on understanding the concepts of free memory and file cache, and how they contribute to memory usage and potential memory exhaustion issues.

What is Memory Exhaustion?

Memory exhaustion occurs when the available physical memory is completely utilized, leaving little to no room for new processes or data. This can result in increased disk activity, performance degradation, and even system crashes. Understanding the components of memory usage, such as free memory and file cache, is essential for analyzing and troubleshooting memory-related issues.

Free Memory

Free memory refers to the portion of physical memory that is not currently in use by any active process. It is the memory available for immediate allocation to new processes or data. Monitoring free memory can help determine the available resources for system operations.

To check the free memory on a Linux system, you can use the free command:

free -h

The output provides information about the total, used, and free memory, including details about swap space utilization.

File Cache

File cache, also known as page cache, is a mechanism used by the Linux kernel to improve system performance by caching frequently accessed data from disk in memory. This helps reduce the need for disk I/O operations, as the data can be retrieved from memory more quickly.

File cache dynamically adjusts its size based on the system's memory requirements. When memory demands increase, the kernel can release file cache memory to accommodate active processes. However, if memory exhaustion occurs, the kernel may need to reclaim file cache memory, potentially impacting performance.

To view information about file cache memory usage, you can use the free command with the -h option:

free -h

The "buff/cache" column represents the memory utilized by the file cache.


Understanding the concepts of free memory and file cache is crucial for analyzing and troubleshooting memory exhaustion issues in a Linux environment. Free memory represents the available memory for new processes or data, while file cache optimizes system performance by caching frequently accessed data in memory. Monitoring free memory and file cache usage can help identify memory-related issues and ensure efficient utilization of system resources.

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