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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.4 - Advanced Git Topics: Rebase

Git is a powerful version control system that provides various advanced features to help developers manage their source code efficiently. One of these features is git rebase, which allows for a cleaner and more streamlined commit history. This guide will provide a detailed explanation of git rebase, its purpose, and how it works.

Understanding Git Rebase

Git rebase is a command that allows you to modify the commit history of a branch by moving, combining, or deleting commits. Unlike git merge, which combines branches, git rebase integrates the changes from one branch onto another branch by incorporating each individual commit. It essentially replays the commits from one branch onto another.

When you perform a git rebase, Git identifies the common ancestor commit between the two branches involved. It then calculates the changes introduced in each commit since the common ancestor and applies those changes to the target branch. By doing so, git rebase helps maintain a linear and cohesive commit history.

Example of Git Rebase

Let's walk through an example to understand how git rebase works. Suppose we have a repository with two branches: feature and main. The feature branch contains new commits that need to be integrated into the main branch. To rebase the feature branch onto the main branch, follow these steps:

  • Ensure you are on the branch that you want to rebase (feature branch in this case). You can switch to the feature branch using the following command:

    git checkout feature
  • Initiate the rebase command using the git rebase command followed by the target branch (main branch in this case):

    git rebase main

    Git will identify the common ancestor commit between the feature and main branches and apply each individual commit from the feature branch on top of the main branch. It essentially replays the commits onto the target branch.

  • Resolve any conflicts that may arise during the rebase process. If Git encounters conflicting changes between the commits being replayed and the target branch, it pauses the rebase process and notifies you to resolve the conflicts manually. You can use Git's conflict resolution tools to edit the conflicting files and choose the desired changes.

  • After resolving conflicts, use the following command to continue the rebase process:

    git rebase --continue

    Git will proceed with applying the remaining commits from the feature branch onto the main branch.

  • Once the rebase is complete, verify that the changes have been successfully applied. You can review the commit history and ensure that the feature branch commits are now part of the main branch.

  • If necessary, push the updated main branch to the remote repository using the following command:

    git push origin main

    This command will update the remote main branch with the rebased commits.


Git rebase is a powerful command that allows you to modify the commit history by integrating individual commits from one branch onto another. It helps create a clean, linear, and cohesive commit history, making it easier to understand the project's development process. Understanding how git rebase works and being able to use it effectively can greatly enhance your version control workflow in software development projects.

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