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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.4 - Advanced Git Topics: Pull Requests

Git is a popular version control system that enables collaboration among developers working on the same project. One essential feature of Git is pull requests, which facilitate a structured workflow for proposing, reviewing, and merging code changes. In this guide, we will explore pull requests, their purpose, and how they work within a Git repository.

Understanding Pull Requests

A pull request is a mechanism for proposing changes from one branch to another within a Git repository. It serves as a formalized way to submit code modifications and initiate a review process before merging those changes into the target branch.

The workflow typically involves the following steps:

  • Branch Creation: Developers create a new branch for their proposed changes. This branch is usually based on the target branch (typically main).

  • Committing Changes: Developers make their code modifications within the new branch, committing their changes as they progress. Each commit represents a logical unit of work.

  • Pushing the Branch: Once the changes are committed, the developer pushes the branch containing the modifications to a remote repository, making it accessible to other team members.

  • Creating the Pull Request: The developer creates a pull request, specifying the source branch (with the proposed changes) and the target branch (where the changes should be merged).

  • Reviewing the Changes: Other team members, including reviewers or project leads, review the proposed changes in the pull request. They can leave comments, suggest modifications, or ask questions to ensure the quality and correctness of the code.

  • Addressing Feedback: Based on the feedback received, the developer can make further commits and push additional changes to the branch. These updates are automatically reflected in the pull request.

  • Merging the Pull Request: Once the proposed changes have been reviewed and approved, the pull request can be merged into the target branch. This incorporates the modifications into the main project codebase.

Example of a Pull Request

Let's illustrate the pull request workflow with an example:

  • Alice and Bob are two developers working on a project. Alice creates a new branch named feature-branch to implement a new feature.

  • Alice commits her code changes in multiple logical steps, ensuring that each commit represents a specific part of the feature.

  • After committing her changes, Alice pushes the feature-branch to the remote repository:

    git push origin feature-branch
  • Alice then goes to the project's code hosting platform (such as GitHub or GitLab) and creates a pull request, selecting feature-branch as the source branch and main as the target branch.

  • Bob, who is a designated reviewer, receives a notification about the new pull request. He opens the pull request, reviews the changes, and leaves comments with suggestions for improvement.

  • Alice receives Bob's feedback, makes the necessary modifications by committing additional changes to the feature-branch, and pushes the updates.

  • The pull request automatically reflects the new commits, and Bob reviews the changes again. This iterative process continues until both Alice and Bob are satisfied with the modifications.

  • Once the pull request is approved, Alice or Bob can merge the changes into the main branch, incorporating the new feature into the project's codebase.


Pull requests provide an effective way to propose, review, and merge code changes within a Git repository. By following a structured workflow, developers can collaborate efficiently and ensure that code modifications are thoroughly reviewed and validated before being merged into the main project branch. Understanding the concept of pull requests and how to use them effectively contributes to a smooth and controlled development process in a collaborative software development environment.

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