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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.3 - Git Checkout

The git checkout command in Git is used to switch between different branches or restore files from a specific commit. It allows you to navigate through different snapshots of your project's history and work on different branches without affecting the main codebase.

Command Description

The git checkout command performs the following actions:

  • Switches the current working directory to a different branch or commit.
  • Updates the files in your working directory to match the selected branch or commit.
  • Updates the staging area to reflect the changes in the newly checked out branch or commit.

By using git checkout, you can move between branches, restore files to a previous state, or create and switch to new branches.

Command Usage and Options

The basic syntax of the git checkout command is as follows:

git checkout [options] <branch_or_commit>
  • [options]: Additional command options that modify the behavior of the checkout command. Some commonly used options include:
    • -b <new_branch>: Creates a new branch with the given name and switches to it.
    • -f or --force: Forces the checkout, even if it results in overwriting local changes.
  • <branch_or_commit>: The name of the branch or commit you want to switch to. It can be a branch name, a tag name, or a commit hash.

Command Examples

  • Switch to an Existing Branch:

    git checkout feature_branch

    This command switches to the existing branch named feature_branch. You can now start working on this branch and make changes independently of other branches.

  • Create and Switch to a New Branch:

    git checkout -b new_branch

    The -b option creates a new branch named new_branch and immediately switches to it. This allows you to work on a new feature or bug fix without affecting the main codebase.

  • Checkout a Specific Commit:

    git checkout abcdef12345

    This command checks out a specific commit identified by the hash abcdef12345. You can review the state of the project at that specific point in time and make changes if necessary.

  • Discard Local Changes:

    git checkout -- file.txt

    The -- separator indicates that file.txt is a file and not a branch name. This command discards any local changes made to file.txt and restores it to its state in the last commit.

  • Force Checkout:

    git checkout -f another_branch

    The -f option forces the checkout, even if it results in overwriting local changes. Use this option with caution, as it discards any unsaved changes without warning.


The git checkout command is a powerful tool for navigating between branches and restoring files in Git. It allows you to switch to different branches, create new branches, and explore previous commits in your project's history.

In this guide, we covered the basic usage of the git checkout command, along with some commonly used options. Remember to use this command carefully, especially when using the -f option, to avoid unintended data loss.

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