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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.3 - Git Add

The git add command is used to add changes to the staging area in Git. It allows you to selectively choose which modified or new files should be included in the next commit. Adding files to the staging area is an important step before committing changes to your Git repository.

Command Description

The git add command performs the following actions:

  • Selectively chooses changes from your working directory and prepares them to be included in the next commit.
  • Adds selected changes to the staging area, also known as the index, which acts as a holding area for changes before committing them.

By using git add, you can control which changes are included in your commit, allowing you to create logical and organized commits.

Command Usage and Options

The basic syntax of the git add command is as follows:

git add [options] <file_path>
  • [options]: Additional command options that modify the behavior of the add command. Some commonly used options include:
    • -A or --all: Adds all changes, including modifications, deletions, and new files, to the staging area.
    • -u or --update: Adds modifications and deletions to the staging area, but does not include new files.
  • <file_path>: The path or name of the file(s) you want to add. You can specify a single file, multiple files, or use patterns to match multiple files.

Command Examples

  • Add a Single File:

    git add filename.txt

    This command adds a single file named filename.txt to the staging area. The changes made to this file will be included in the next commit.

  • Add Multiple Files:

    git add file1.txt file2.txt

    The command above adds multiple files, file1.txt and file2.txt, to the staging area. Only the changes in these files will be included in the next commit.

  • Add All Changes:

    git add -A

    The -A option adds all changes, including modifications, deletions, and new files, to the staging area. This command is useful when you want to include all changes in your commit.

  • Add Modified Files:

    git add -u

    The -u option adds modifications and deletions to the staging area but does not include new files. This command is helpful when you want to exclude newly created files from the commit.


The git add command is a fundamental tool for managing changes in your Git repository. It allows you to selectively choose which changes to include in the staging area before committing them. By using this command, you can create logical and organized commits, focusing on specific files or modifications.

In this guide, we covered the basic usage of the git add command, along with some commonly used options. Remember to add your changes to the staging area before committing them to ensure that your commits accurately represent the changes you want to save.

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