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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.2 - Container Image Operations: rmi

Docker provides a powerful command-line interface for managing container images. One of the essential operations is removing container images when they are no longer needed. The docker image rm command, also known as docker rmi, allows you to delete container images from your local Docker host. This guide will provide a detailed overview of the rmi command, its purpose, and how to use it effectively.

Purpose and Overview

The rmi command is used to remove container images from your local Docker host. It helps you free up disk space by deleting images that are no longer needed. By cleaning up unused images, you can ensure a more efficient use of resources and maintain a clean image repository.

Usage Examples

To remove Docker container images, you can use the rmi command with various options. Here are some examples:

  • Remove a Single Image:

    docker rmi image_name

    This command removes a single container image specified by its name or image ID.

  • Remove Multiple Images:

    docker rmi image_name1 image_name2

    Use this command to remove multiple container images at once. Replace image_name1, image_name2, etc., with the names or IDs of the images you want to remove.

  • Force Removal:

    docker rmi -f image_name

    Adding the -f or --force option forces the removal of the image, even if it is being used by running containers.

  • Remove All Unused Images:

    docker image prune

    This command removes all the unused container images from your Docker host. It cleans up images that are not associated with any running or stopped containers.

  • Remove an Image by Tag:

    docker rmi image_name:tag

    Use this command to remove a specific version of an image identified by its tag. Replace image_name with the name of the image, and tag with the specific tag you want to remove.


The docker rmi command is a fundamental tool for removing Docker container images from your local host. It allows you to delete individual images or multiple images at once. By regularly cleaning up your image repository, you can optimize disk space utilization and keep your environment organized.

In this guide, we covered the purpose and usage of the rmi command. We explored examples of removing single and multiple images, as well as force removal and cleaning up unused images.

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