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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.2 - Container Image Operations: Push

Pushing Docker container images is a crucial step in sharing your images with others or deploying them to a container registry. This guide will provide an overview of the push operation in Docker, its purpose, and how to use the docker push command effectively.

Purpose and Overview

When you build a Docker image, it resides on your local machine. However, to make it accessible to others or deploy it to a remote environment, you need to push the image to a container registry. The push operation involves uploading the image and its associated layers to a registry, making it available for distribution and deployment.

Obtaining the Registry Name

Before pushing your Docker image, you need to determine the registry name or address to use. The registry can be a public registry like Docker Hub or a private registry hosted by your organization. Here are a few ways to obtain the registry name:

  • Docker Hub:

    If you plan to use Docker Hub as your registry, the registry name is usually your Docker Hub username. For example, if your Docker Hub username is myusername, the registry name would be Docker Hub uses as the default registry.

  • Private Registry:

    If you have a private registry, consult the documentation or contact your system administrator to obtain the registry name or address. It could be an IP address, a domain name, or a custom address specific to your organization.

Usage Examples

To push a Docker container image, you need to use the docker push command. Here are some examples of how to use the command along with its options:

  • Basic Usage:

    docker push my-registry/my-image:tag

    Replace my-registry with the actual registry name or address, my-image with the image name, and tag with the desired tag. For example, if your registry is Docker Hub and your username is myusername, the command would be docker push

  • Pushing with Repository Digest:

    docker push my-registry/my-image@sha256:digest

    This example shows how to push an image using the repository digest. Replace my-registry with the appropriate registry name or address, my-image with the image name, and sha256:digest with the digest of the specific image version you want to push.

  • Pushing Multiple Tags:

    docker push my-registry/my-image:tag1
    docker push my-registry/my-image:tag2

    You can push multiple tags for the same image to the registry. Replace my-registry with the registry name or address and my-image with the image name. Use different tags, such as tag1 and tag2, to distinguish between different versions or variants of the same image.


Pushing Docker container images is a critical step in sharing and distributing your images. By using the docker push command, you can make your images available to others or deploy them to remote environments. Understanding how to obtain the registry name or address and how to push images with different tags or repository digests is essential for effective image management.

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