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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.2 - Container Management: Logging

Logging is a crucial aspect of managing and troubleshooting Docker containers. By configuring proper logging mechanisms, you can gain valuable insights into container behavior, diagnose issues, and monitor application performance. This guide provides an overview of Docker container logging, including various logging drivers available in Docker, and demonstrates how to set up and view logs for effective container management.

Logging Drivers in Docker

Docker provides different logging drivers that define how container logs are captured and stored. Here are some commonly used logging drivers:

  • json-file: This is the default logging driver. It writes container logs to JSON files on the Docker host. You can specify the maximum log file size and the number of log files to retain.
  • syslog: This driver sends container logs to the syslog facility on the Docker host. It is suitable for integrating Docker logs with existing syslog infrastructure.
  • journald: This driver forwards container logs to the systemd journal on the Docker host. It is useful when running Docker on systems with systemd.
  • gelf: The Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF) driver sends container logs to a GELF-compatible endpoint, such as Graylog or Logstash.
  • fluentd: This driver sends container logs to a Fluentd collector, which can then route the logs to various destinations.
  • awslogs: This driver streams container logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, allowing centralized log management for Docker containers running in AWS.

There are more logging drivers available in Docker. For a complete list, refer to the Docker documentation.

Setting Up Container Logging

To enable logging for a Docker container, you can specify the log driver when creating or running the container. Here's an example using the json-file driver:

docker run --detach --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=10m nginx:latest

In the above command, we specify the json-file log driver and set the maximum log file size to 10 megabytes. This ensures that logs are stored in a JSON file and rotated when they reach the specified size.

Viewing Container Logs

To view the logs of a running container, you can use the following command:

docker logs <container ID>

The above command retrieves and displays the logs of the container with the specified container ID.


Logging is an essential component of managing Docker containers. By effectively setting up and viewing container logs using the appropriate logging driver, you can monitor container behavior, diagnose issues, and maintain application performance. This guide has provided an overview of Docker container logging, including various logging drivers available, and demonstrated how to set up and view logs for effective container management.

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