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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.2 - Container Management: Deploying Existing Images

Deploying existing Docker images is a fundamental task in container management. It involves pulling the desired image from a registry and creating container instances based on that image. This guide provides an overview of deploying existing images using Docker commands, allowing you to quickly start containers based on pre-built images.

Deploying Existing Images

To deploy existing Docker images, follow these steps:

Pull the Image

Use the docker pull command to fetch the desired image from a Docker registry. Specify the image name and optionally the version or tag.

docker pull image:tag


docker pull nginx:latest

This command retrieves the latest version of the NGINX image from the default Docker registry.

Create a Container

Once the image is pulled, you can create a container instance based on that image using the docker create command. Provide a name for the container and specify the image to use.

docker create --name container_name image:tag


docker create --name my-nginx-container nginx:latest

This command creates a new container named my-nginx-container based on the NGINX image.

Start the Container

After the container is created, you can start it using the docker start command. Specify the container name or ID.

docker start container_name


docker start my-nginx-container

This command starts the my-nginx-container container.

Verify the Deployment

You can use the docker ps command to verify that the container is running:

docker ps

Example output:

abc123456789   nginx:latest "nginx -g ..."  2 hours ago  Up 2 hours  80/tcp    my-nginx-container

The output shows the running container with its details, including the container ID, image, command, and status.


Deploying existing Docker images is a straightforward process that involves pulling the desired image from a registry and creating container instances based on that image. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can efficiently deploy containers based on pre-built images, allowing you to leverage existing software stacks and simplify the deployment process. Docker's ability to deploy existing images enhances the flexibility and scalability of containerized applications.

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