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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.1 - Common Script Utilities: wc

The wc command, short for word count, is a powerful utility in Linux that allows you to count the number of words, lines, and characters in a file or input stream. It is a handy tool for various tasks, such as analyzing text files, checking file sizes, and measuring the output of other commands or scripts.

In this guide, we will explore the wc command in detail, covering its basic usage and some advanced options. By the end, you should have a solid understanding of how to effectively utilize this command to meet the objectives of the CompTIA Linux+ exam.

Basic Usage

The wc command is typically used in the following format:

wc [options] [file...]

Here, options refer to the various flags you can use to modify the output, and file represents the name(s) of the file(s) you want to analyze. If no file is specified, wc will read from the standard input.

Let's explore the three main functionalities of wc:

Counting Lines

To count the number of lines in a file, you can use the -l option. For example, to count the lines in a file called example.txt, you would run:

wc -l example.txt

Counting Words

To count the number of words in a file, you can use the -w option. For instance, to count the words in a file called example.txt, you would run:

wc -w example.txt

Counting Characters

To count the number of characters in a file, you can use the -c option. To count the characters in a file named example.txt, you would execute:

wc -c example.txt

Advanced Options

The wc command also provides additional options to customize its behavior and gain more detailed information. Here are a few notable ones:

Counting Bytes

Instead of characters, you can use the -m option to count the number of bytes in a file:

wc -m example.txt

Displaying Multiple Counts

By using the -lwmc options together, you can display all counts simultaneously:

wc -lwmc example.txt

Ignoring Whitespace

The -w option, by default, considers whitespace as a word delimiter. However, you can use the -w option with -l to count words based on newlines only:

wc -lw example.txt

Reading Input from a Pipe

If you want to use wc with the output of another command, you can use the pipe (|) operator. For example, to count the number of lines from the output of the ls command, you can run:

ls | wc -l


The wc command is a versatile utility for counting words, lines, and characters in files or input streams in Linux. It provides a simple yet effective way to analyze text data and extract valuable information.

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