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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.1 - Shell Script Elements - String Comparisons

String comparisons play a crucial role in shell scripting as they allow you to compare and manipulate textual data. In Linux, you can use various string comparison operators to perform comparisons and make decisions based on the results. Understanding how to perform string comparisons is essential for writing effective and robust shell scripts.

String Comparison Operators

Shell scripting provides several string comparison operators to compare strings. Here are the commonly used operators:

  • Equal to (==): Checks if two strings are equal.
  • Not equal to (!=): Checks if two strings are not equal.
  • Less than (<): Checks if one string is lexicographically less than another.
  • Greater than (>): Checks if one string is lexicographically greater than another.
  • Less than or equal to (<=): Checks if one string is lexicographically less than or equal to another.
  • Greater than or equal to (>=): Checks if one string is lexicographically greater than or equal to another.
  • Regular expression match (=~): (double [[ ]] only) Checks if a string matches a specified regular expression pattern.

Using String Comparisons in Shell Scripts

String comparisons in shell scripts are typically performed using the [ ] notation or the [[ ]] construct. Let's explore both approaches:

Using Square Brackets [ ]

The square bracket notation [ ] allows you to perform string comparisons using the test command. Here's an example:


# Declare variables

# Perform string comparisons using square brackets
if [ $string1 == $string2 ]; then
    echo "The strings are equal."
    echo "The strings are not equal."

In the above script, we compare the values of string1 and string2 using the equal to (==) operator within square brackets. The script outputs the appropriate message based on the result of the comparison.

**Enhancements with Double Square Brackets [[ ]]

The double bracket construct [[ ]] offers several enhancements compared to single square brackets [ ]. Here are some key differences:

  1. Quoting Variables: With double brackets, you don't need to quote variables inside the comparison expression. This means you can directly write [[ $string1 == $string2 ]] instead of [ "$string1" == "$string2" ].

  2. Pattern Matching: Double brackets support pattern matching using the * and ? wildcards. For example, you can use [[ $string == *pattern* ]] to check if the string contains a specific pattern.

  3. Extended Operators: Double brackets provide additional string comparison operators such as =~ for regular expression matching. For instance, you can use [[ $string =~ regex ]] to check if the string matches a regular expression.

  4. Logical Operators: Double brackets support logical operators (&& and ||) within the comparison expression. This allows you to combine multiple conditions for complex string comparisons.

Here's some examples demonstrating the use of double brackets:


# Declare variables
string2="Hello, World!"

# Perform string comparisons using double brackets
if [[ $string1 == $string2 ]]; then
    echo "The strings are equal."
elif [[ $string1 != $string2 ]]; then
    echo "The strings are not equal."

# Perform pattern matching using double brackets
if [[ $string2 == *World* ]]; then
    echo "The string contains 'World'."

# Perform regular expression matching using double brackets
if [[ $string1 =~ $regex ]]; then
    echo "The string contains a number."

In the above script, we showcase some of the enhancements provided by double brackets. We compare the values of string1 and string2 using the equal to (==) and not equal to (!=) operators. We also demonstrate pattern matching and regular expression matching using the * wildcard and the =~ operator.


String comparisons are essential in shell scripting for evaluating and manipulating textual data. By using string comparison operators within square brackets [ ] or double brackets [[ ]], you can compare strings and make decisions based on the comparison results.

The double bracket construct [[ ]] offers several enhancements over single square brackets [ ], such as not requiring variable quoting, supporting pattern matching, extended operators for regular expressions, and logical operators for complex comparisons.

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