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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.1 - Shell Script Elements - Standard Stream Redirection

In shell scripting, standard stream redirection is a powerful technique that allows you to control the input, output, and error streams of commands and scripts. It provides a flexible way to redirect data from one source to another, enabling efficient data processing and manipulation. Understanding standard stream redirection is crucial for effective shell scripting in Linux environments. In this guide, we will explore various stream redirection operators and their usage.

Stream Redirection Operators

| (Pipe)

The pipe operator | redirects the standard output (stdout) of one command to the standard input (stdin) of another command. It allows you to chain multiple commands together, where the output of one command serves as the input to the next. This enables the seamless flow of data between commands, enabling efficient data processing.


command1 | command2

> (Output Redirection)

The > operator redirects the standard output (stdout) of a command to a file. It creates a new file or overwrites the content of an existing file with the output of the command.


command > file.txt

>> (Appending Output)

The >> operator appends the standard output (stdout) of a command to a file. It adds the output to the end of the file without overwriting the existing content.


command >> file.txt

< (Input Redirection)

The < operator redirects the standard input (stdin) of a command from a file. It allows the command to read input data from the specified file instead of the user or another command.


command < file.txt

<< (Here Document)

The << operator, also known as a here document, redirects a block of text as the standard input (stdin) of a command. It is useful when you want to provide input interactively within a script or command.


command << EOF
This is some input

& (Background Execution)

The & operator allows a command to run in the background. It detaches the command from the current shell, allowing it to execute independently while the script or command continues executing subsequent commands.


command &

&& (Logical AND)

The && operator allows you to execute a command only if the previous command succeeds. It ensures that the subsequent command runs only when the previous command exits with a success status (exit code 0).


command1 && command2

|| (Logical OR)

The || operator allows you to execute a command only if the previous command fails. It ensures that the subsequent command runs only when the previous command exits with a failure status (non-zero exit code).


command1 || command2

Redirecting Standard Error (stderr)

By default, stream redirection operators (>, >>, <) only redirect the standard output (stdout). To redirect the standard error (stderr), you can use the 2> operator followed by a file name to capture the error output.


command 2> error.txt

Redirecting both Standard Output and Standard Error

To redirect both the standard output and standard error to different files, you can use the &> operator followed by the file names.


command &> output.txt
# Or
command > output.txt 2>&1


Understanding standard stream redirection is essential for effective shell scripting in Linux. The ability to redirect input, output, and error streams allows you to manipulate data efficiently, redirect output to files, handle errors, and chain commands together. By mastering the various stream redirection operators, you gain greater control over your scripts and commands, enabling you to perform complex tasks with ease.

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