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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.1 - Relative & Absolute Paths

When working with files and directories in Linux, understanding the concepts of relative and absolute paths is crucial. Paths are used to specify the location of a file or directory within the file system. This guide will explain the differences between relative and absolute paths and how they are used.

Relative Paths

Relative paths are defined in relation to the current working directory. They do not begin with a forward slash (/). Instead, they indicate the path to a file or directory relative to the current location.

Assuming the current working directory is /home/user/, the following relative path examples can be understood:

  • documents/file.txt refers to the file file.txt located within the documents directory, which is directly within the current working directory.
  • ../backup/file.txt refers to the file file.txt located within the backup directory, which is in the parent directory (/home/).

Absolute Paths

Absolute paths provide the complete location of a file or directory from the root of the file system. They always begin with a forward slash (/) and specify the entire path to the desired file or directory.

The following example demonstrates absolute paths:

  • /home/user/documents/file.txt refers to the file file.txt located within the documents directory, which is within the user directory, and so on.


Relative paths are useful when referencing files or directories in the current working directory or its subdirectories. They provide a concise way to navigate within the file system. On the other hand, absolute paths are necessary when referring to specific locations in the file system, regardless of the current working directory.

By understanding the differences between relative and absolute paths, you can accurately reference and access files and directories in Linux. Whether you need to specify a location based on the current working directory (relative path) or provide the full path from the root of the file system (absolute path), using the appropriate path type is essential for successful navigation and file manipulation.

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