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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.1 - Environment Variables: PATH

The PATH environment variable in Linux is a crucial component that specifies a list of directories where the system looks for executable files. It plays a vital role in enabling users to run commands and programs from anywhere in the terminal without specifying the full path to the executable file.

Viewing the PATH Variable

To view the current value of the PATH variable, open a terminal and execute the following command:

echo $PATH

This will display a colon-separated list of directories.

Adding a Directory to the PATH Variable

To add a directory to the PATH variable, you have a few options:

Temporary Addition

If you want to add a directory temporarily for the current session only, use the following command:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/new_directory

Replace /path/to/new_directory with the actual path of the directory you want to add.

Permanent Addition

For a permanent addition, you need to modify one of the configuration files typically used for setting environment variables. The choice of file depends on the specific Linux distribution and the user's shell.

Commonly used files for setting the PATH variable include:

  • /etc/profile: System-wide configuration file, executed for all users during login.
  • /etc/bashrc: System-wide Bash-specific configuration file.
  • ~/.bashrc: User-specific Bash configuration file.
  • ~/.bash_profile: User-specific Bash login configuration file.
  • ~/.profile: User-specific login configuration file (used by some shells other than Bash).

To add a directory permanently, open the appropriate file using a text editor and add the following line at the end:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/new_directory

Again, replace /path/to/new_directory with the actual path of the directory you want to add.

Remember to either restart the terminal or run the appropriate command to reload the configuration file for the changes to take effect.

Using a Command After Adding to the PATH Variable

Once you have added the location of a command to the PATH variable, you can directly use the command from anywhere in the terminal without specifying its full path.

For example, let's say you added /home/user/scripts to the PATH variable, and there is a script called located in that directory. You can execute it as follows:

The system will locate and run the executable because its location is included in the PATH variable.


The PATH environment variable is a important component in Linux, allowing users to execute commands and programs from anywhere in the terminal. Understanding how to view, modify, and add directories to the PATH variable is essential for efficient system navigation and command execution. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively manage the PATH variable and enhance your Linux experience. Additionally, adding a command's location to the PATH variable enables you to conveniently execute the command without specifying its full path.

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