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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.1 - Environment Variables: $?

The $? environment variable in Linux holds the exit status of the most recently executed command or script. It provides valuable information about the success or failure of the command and is commonly used in shell scripting and command-line operations. Understanding how to utilize the $? variable is essential for efficient error handling and decision-making in Linux.

Purpose and Explanation

The $? environment variable is automatically set by the shell after executing a command. It contains an integer value that represents the exit status of the previous command. The exit status indicates whether the command completed successfully or encountered an error.

The value of $? can be interpreted as follows:

  • If $? is 0, it means the command executed successfully without any errors.
  • If $? is a non-zero value, typically 1, it indicates that the command encountered an error or exited with a non-zero status.

The exit status can be useful in various scenarios, such as:

  • Error handling: You can check the value of $? to determine if a command executed correctly or encountered an error. This allows you to take appropriate actions based on the success or failure of a command.
  • Conditional execution: By using $? in combination with control structures like if statements, you can conditionally execute certain commands or perform different actions based on the exit status of a previous command.
  • Scripting and automation: When writing scripts or automating tasks, you can utilize the exit status to ensure proper flow control and error handling within your scripts.


Here are a few examples that demonstrate the usage of the $? environment variable:

Checking the Exit Status of a Command

ls /path/to/nonexistent/file
echo $?

In this example, the ls command attempts to list a file that does not exist. The value of $? will be 2 (or a non-zero value), indicating that the command encountered an error.

Using $? in an "if" Statement

grep "pattern" file.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Pattern found."
    echo "Pattern not found."

Here, the grep command is used to search for a specific pattern in the file.txt. The exit status is checked using $?. If the exit status is 0, it means the pattern was found, and the corresponding message is printed. Otherwise, if the exit status is non-zero, it means the pattern was not found.

Storing the Exit Status in a Variable

rm file.txt
if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "File deleted successfully."
    echo "Error deleting file. Exit status: $status"

In this example, the rm command is used to delete a file. The exit status is stored in the status variable, which is then used in the if statement to determine the appropriate message to display.


The $? environment variable in Linux provides valuable information about the exit status of the most recently executed command. By understanding and utilizing the $? variable, you can enhance your error handling capabilities, make informed decisions based on command outcomes, and automate tasks effectively. This guide has provided an overview of the purpose and usage of the $? variable, along with examples showcasing its practical applications.

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