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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 3.1 - Common Script Utilities: egrep

The egrep command, short for "extended grep," is a powerful text search utility available in Linux and Unix-like operating systems. It is an extension of the grep command with additional functionality for pattern matching using extended regular expressions. egrep is commonly used for advanced text processing, file searching, and data extraction tasks. This guide will provide an overview of egrep and its specific usage, including key features, syntax, and examples.

Key Features and Syntax

egrep offers several key features that differentiate it from the basic grep command:

  • Extended Regular Expressions: egrep supports extended regular expressions, which allow for more advanced pattern matching. It provides additional metacharacters, quantifiers, and pattern constructs, including the use of square brackets ([]) to define character classes and round brackets (()) to group elements within an extended regular expression.

  • Logical OR with Pipes: egrep supports the use of pipes (|) to perform logical OR operations in pattern matching. This allows you to search for multiple patterns and retrieve lines that match any of them.

Examples of egrep Usage

  • Pattern Matching with Square Brackets: To search for a pattern that matches any character within a specified range, use square brackets ([]) in egrep. For example, to search for lines that contain any vowel (a, e, i, o, or u), use the following command:

    egrep '[aeiou]' file.txt

    This command searches for lines in file.txt that contain any of the vowels specified within the square brackets.

  • Extended Regular Expression with Parentheses: egrep allows you to use parentheses to group elements within an extended regular expression. For example, to search for lines that contain either "apple" or "banana" followed by "pie," use the following command:

    egrep '(apple|banana)pie' file.txt

    This command searches for lines in file.txt that contain either "applepie" or "bananapie" and displays them.

  • Logical OR with Pipes: egrep allows you to search for multiple patterns using logical OR operations. For example, to search for lines that contain either "apple" or "banana," use the following syntax:

    egrep 'apple|banana' file.txt

    This command searches for lines in file.txt that contain either "apple" or "banana" and displays them.


The egrep command extends the functionality of grep by providing support for extended regular expressions and additional features such as logical OR operations with pipes. It is a versatile tool for advanced pattern matching and text processing tasks. With the knowledge of egrep and its various pattern matching capabilities using square brackets and logical OR operations, you can efficiently search and filter text data based on complex patterns to meet your scripting and automation needs.

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