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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 2.4 - SSH: Commands - ssh-copy-id

The ssh-copy-id command is a convenient tool used to install a user's public key on a remote server, enabling passwordless SSH authentication. It simplifies the process of setting up SSH key-based authentication by automatically copying the public key to the appropriate location on the remote server.

Purpose of the command

The main purpose of the ssh-copy-id command is to securely install a user's public key on a remote server. By doing so, it allows the user to authenticate with the server using their private key instead of entering a password. This improves security and eliminates the need to manually copy the public key file and modify remote server configurations.

Key Command Options

Using ssh-copy-id is straightforward. Here's the basic syntax of the command:

ssh-copy-id [options] [user@]hostname

The command requires the remote hostname or IP address and, optionally, the username. Here are some commonly used options:

  • -i: Specifies the path to the identity (private key) file to be copied. By default, ssh-copy-id looks for keys in the ~/.ssh directory.
  • -p: Specifies the remote SSH server port if it is not the default port 22.
  • -f: Forces the operation, overwriting any existing authorized keys on the remote server.
  • -h: Displays usage information and command options.

Example Usage

  • Run the ssh-copy-id command with the appropriate options and the remote server's hostname or IP address. For example:

    ssh-copy-id user@remote-server
  • Enter the password for the remote server when prompted. This is required to authenticate and copy the public key.

  • If the authentication is successful and the public key is copied to the remote server, you should see a message indicating the key was added.

  • Test the SSH connection to the remote server by running:

    ssh user@remote-server

    If everything was set up correctly, you should be able to log in without entering a password.


The ssh-copy-id command is a handy utility for quickly and securely installing your public key on a remote server, enabling passwordless SSH authentication. By eliminating the need to manually copy and configure the public key, it simplifies the process and enhances the security of your SSH connections. Mastering the usage of ssh-copy-id is essential for Linux administrators and users who rely on SSH for remote access and automation.

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