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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 2.2 - Account Management: faillock

Identity management is an important aspect of Linux system administration, especially when it comes to managing user accounts and enforcing security policies. In this guide, we will focus on using the faillock utility as a tool for account management. faillock is a command-line utility that keeps track of failed login attempts and enforces account lockouts.

Overview of faillock

The faillock utility provides an effective mechanism for tracking failed login attempts and implementing account lockouts. It records failed login attempts in the /var/run/faillock/ directory and locks user accounts when the configured threshold is reached.


To configure faillock, follow these steps:

  • Configure PAM: The PAM configuration files control the behavior of the faillock utility. Open the PAM configuration file for the desired service, such as /etc/pam.d/login or /etc/pam.d/sshd. Locate the authentication section, typically containing lines starting with the keyword auth. Add the following line at the beginning of the authentication section to enable faillock:

    auth required preauth silent audit deny=3 unlock_time=1800

    The deny option specifies the number of failed login attempts before the account is locked, and the unlock_time option specifies the duration of the account lockout in seconds (1800 seconds = 30 minutes). Adjust these values according to your requirements.

  • Configure faillock settings: The faillock utility has its configuration file located at /etc/security/faillock.conf. This file allows you to customize various settings, such as the path to store faillock data and the maximum number of allowed failures before locking an account. You can modify these settings as needed.

faillock Command Usage

Once faillock is configured, you can use the following commands to interact with the failed login attempts and account lockouts:

  • faillock --user <username>: Use this command to view the current status of failed login attempts for a specific user. Replace <username> with the actual username you want to check.

  • faillock --user <username> --reset: This command resets the failed login attempts counter for a specific user, allowing them to attempt logging in again.

  • faillock --user <username> --unlock: Use this command to manually unlock a locked user account. Replace <username> with the actual username of the account to unlock.

  • faillock --reset-all: This command resets the failed login attempts counter for all user accounts, effectively clearing the records of failed login attempts.

Note that most faillock commands require root or sudo privileges to access the necessary system files.


Implementing identity management with the faillock utility provides an effective way to track failed login attempts and enforce account lockouts in Linux systems. By configuring faillock and integrating it with PAM, you can enhance the security of your system and protect user accounts from unauthorized access.

In this guide, we discussed the configuration steps for setting up faillock, including configuring PAM and adjusting the faillock settings. We also covered the usage of faillock commands for managing failed login attempts and account lockouts.

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