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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 1.6 - Sandboxed Applications: snapd

Sandboxing applications is an important aspect of Linux systems, providing an added layer of security and isolation for software. Snapd is a software deployment and package management system used primarily in Ubuntu-based distributions. It enables the installation and execution of sandboxed applications known as "snaps." Snaps are self-contained packages that include all the necessary dependencies and are isolated from the host system, ensuring greater security and compatibility.

This guide will provide an overview of Snapd, explain its purpose, and demonstrate its usage for managing sandboxed applications. We will explore different commands and concepts, showcasing how Snapd can enhance your application deployment and security.

Snapd Command Usage

Basic Syntax

To utilize Snapd, you can use the following command syntax:

snap [command] [options] [snaps]
  • command: The action to be performed by Snapd, such as install, remove, refresh, or list.
  • options: Additional flags and parameters to customize the Snapd operation.
  • snaps: The name of the snap(s) to be acted upon.

Installing Snaps

To install a snap using Snapd, you can use the install command followed by the snap name:

sudo snap install snap_name

Replace snap_name with the name of the snap you want to install. For example:

sudo snap install chromium

This command will install the chromium snap, which provides the Chromium web browser, using Snapd.

Removing Snaps

To remove a snap using Snapd, you can use the remove command followed by the snap name:

sudo snap remove snap_name

Replace snap_name with the name of the snap you want to remove. For example:

sudo snap remove chromium

This command will remove the chromium snap from the system.

Updating Snaps

Snapd allows you to update snaps to their latest versions using the refresh command:

sudo snap refresh snap_name

Replace snap_name with the name of the snap you want to update. For example:

sudo snap refresh chromium

This command will update the chromium snap to its latest available version.

Listing Installed Snaps

To list all installed snaps on the system, you can use the list command:

snap list

This command will provide a list of all installed snaps, including their names, versions, and developer information.

Searching for Snaps

Snapd allows you to search for available snaps using the find command:

snap find keyword

Replace keyword with the name or specific keywords related to the snap you want to search for. For example:

snap find music

This command will search for snaps related to music applications.


Snapd is a powerful software deployment and package management system that facilitates the installation and management of sandboxed applications in Ubuntu-based Linux distributions. In this guide, we covered the basics of using Snapd for managing snaps, including installing snaps, removing snaps, updating snaps, listing installed snaps, and searching for available snaps.

Snapd's sandboxing approach provides enhanced security and isolation, enabling the seamless deployment of self-contained snaps with their own dependencies. By leveraging Snapd, users can enjoy the benefits of easily installing and managing software while ensuring compatibility and system integrity.

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