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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 1.5 - Remote Networking Tools: wget

When it comes to remote networking tools, wget stands out as a reliable and versatile command-line utility. It is used for retrieving files from remote servers via various protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP. wget offers a straightforward and efficient way to download files, making it an essential tool for tasks like mirroring websites, downloading software packages, and fetching resources from the web.

This guide will provide an overview of wget, explain its purpose, and demonstrate its usage for remote networking tasks. We will explore different command options and concepts, showcasing how wget can enhance your remote networking capabilities.

wget Command Usage

Basic Syntax

To utilize wget, you can use the following command syntax:

wget [options] [URL]
  • options: Additional flags and parameters to customize the wget request.
  • URL: The URL of the remote file or resource you want to download.

Downloading a File

Let's start with a simple example of downloading a file using wget:


This command will download the file file.txt from the specified URL and save it in the current directory. You can replace with any desired URL.

Resuming Partial Downloads

wget allows you to resume interrupted or partial downloads. This is useful when you encounter a network issue or need to pause and resume a large file download. To resume a download, use the -c option:

wget -c

If the file largefile.iso was previously partially downloaded or interrupted, wget will resume the download from where it left off.

Mirroring Websites

wget is also capable of mirroring entire websites, including all linked resources. This is helpful when you want to create a local copy of a website for offline browsing or archival purposes. To mirror a website, use the -r and -p options:

wget -r -p

This command will recursively download all linked resources (such as HTML, CSS, images, etc.) and create a local copy of the website in the current directory.

Limiting Bandwidth Usage

If you want to limit the bandwidth usage during downloads, you can use the --limit-rate option. This can be helpful when downloading large files while ensuring that other network activities are not significantly impacted. Specify the desired download speed in either kilobytes (e.g., 50k) or megabytes (e.g., 1m):

wget --limit-rate=500k

In this example, wget will limit the download speed to 500 kilobytes per second for the file


wget is a reliable remote networking tool that simplifies the process of retrieving files from remote servers. In this guide, we covered the basic usage of wget, including downloading files, resuming partial downloads, mirroring websites, and limiting bandwidth usage.

wget's extensive set of options and features provides flexibility and control over your remote file retrieval tasks. Whether you need to download individual files, mirror entire websites, or resume interrupted downloads, wget is a valuable tool to have in your remote networking toolkit.

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