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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 1.4 - Scheduling Services

In Linux, scheduling services allows you to automate the execution of tasks at specific times or intervals. This helps in automating system maintenance, backups, data syncing, and other recurring operations. In this guide, we will explore three common tools for scheduling services: cron, crontab, and at.


cron is a time-based job scheduler in Linux that runs commands or scripts at predetermined intervals. It uses a configuration file called the crontab to define the schedule and the commands to be executed. Here are some key commands and concepts related to cron:

  • crontab: The crontab command is used to create, edit, and manage user-specific cron jobs. Each user can have their own crontab file.

  • cron daemon: The cron daemon is responsible for executing scheduled tasks. It constantly checks the crontab files for any changes and triggers the appropriate commands based on the defined schedules.

  • Cron syntax: The crontab follows a specific syntax which consists of:

    • minute
    • hour
    • day of month
    • month
    • day of week
    • user to run command as (optional usually only present for root crons)
    • command

    Each field accepts values or ranges, allowing you to define precise time and date combinations for task execution.

    • Specific value: Execute the command at a specific value. For example, to run a command at minute 30 of every hour, use:

      30 * * * * command
    • Range of values: Execute the command within a specified range of values. For example, to run a command every day between 9 AM and 5 PM, use:

      0 9-17 * * * command
    • List of values: Execute the command for specific values. For example, to run a command every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, use:

      * * * * 1,3,5 command
    • Step values: Execute the command at a specified interval. For example, to run a command every 10 minutes, use:

      */10 * * * * command
    • Wildcard: Execute the command for any value. For example, to run a command every minute, use:

      * * * * * command
    • Combined expressions: Combine multiple expressions to create complex schedules. For example, to run a command on the 1st and 15th of January, April, July, and October at 12 PM, use:

      0 12 1,15 1,4,7,10 * command

    These examples demonstrate different ways to specify values in the time and date fields of a crontab file. By utilizing these variations, you can create custom schedules for running commands at specific times or intervals.


The crontab command is used to manage user-specific crontab files. It allows users to create, edit, list, and remove their scheduled tasks. Here are some commonly used crontab commands:

  • crontab -e: This command opens the user's crontab file in the default text editor, allowing them to add or modify cron job entries.

  • crontab -l: This command lists the user's crontab entries, displaying the scheduled tasks.

  • crontab -r: This command removes the user's crontab file and all associated cron jobs.

Here is an example of how to add a cron job using the crontab -e command:

crontab -e

This command opens the user's crontab file in the default text editor. You can then add your desired cron job entry, save the file, and exit the editor.


While cron is ideal for recurring tasks, the at command allows you to schedule one-time jobs to be executed at a specific time. With at, you can schedule tasks to run in the future without needing to modify the crontab file. Here are some key points about at:

  • at: The at command is used to submit jobs for later execution.

  • Time specification: When using at, you can specify the time at which the command should run, either in absolute or relative terms.

  • atq: The atq command lists the pending at jobs in the queue.

  • atrm: The atrm command is used to remove an at job from the queue.

Here is an example of how to use the at command to schedule a task:

$ at 14:00
!!! info "echo "Hello, world!" > /tmp/greeting.txt"
!!! info "Ctrl+D"

In this example, the at command is used to schedule the execution of the echo command at 14:00. The output of the command is redirected to a file named "greeting.txt" in the "/tmp" directory.


Scheduling services is a fundamental aspect of managing tasks in a Linux system. The cron, crontab, and at tools provide flexible options for automating recurring and one-time tasks. By leveraging these tools, system administrators can streamline routine operations, improve efficiency, and ensure timely execution of critical processes. Understanding the syntax and usage of these commands is essential for effective task scheduling and system maintenance in a Linux environment.

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