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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 1.4 - Process Management: pgrep, pkill & pidof

In Linux, managing processes is an essential skill for system administrators. It involves controlling, monitoring, and interacting with the processes running on a Linux system. This guide introduces three commonly used process management commands: pgrep, pkill, and pidof.

pgrep is a command-line utility that allows you to search for processes based on specific attributes such as process names, user IDs, or group IDs. It helps you find processes that match the specified criteria and retrieve their Process IDs (PIDs) for further actions.

pkill is a command that simplifies the process of terminating or signaling processes. With pkill, you can send signals to processes based on their names or other attributes, making it easier to manage multiple processes simultaneously or terminate processes with similar names.

pidof is a command that helps you obtain the PID (Process ID) of a running process based on its name. It provides a simple and straightforward way to retrieve the PID of a single process, which can be useful for referencing, monitoring, or performing actions on the process.


The pgrep command allows you to search for processes based on specified criteria and retrieve their Process IDs (PIDs). It is a powerful tool for process management and can be used in various scenarios. Here are some examples of how you can use pgrep:

  • Search for processes by name: You can search for processes by their names using the -f option. For example, pgrep -f firefox will return the PIDs of all processes with "firefox" in their command-line arguments.

  • Search for processes by user or group: You can filter processes based on the user or group they belong to using the -u and -g options. For example, pgrep -u john will list all processes owned by the user "john".

  • Combine multiple search criteria: You can combine multiple search criteria using logical operators such as -a (AND) and -o (OR). For example, pgrep -u john -a -f firefox will return the PIDs of processes owned by user "john" and containing "firefox" in their command-line arguments.


The pkill command is used to send signals to processes based on their names or other attributes. It simplifies the process of terminating or signaling processes, especially when dealing with multiple processes simultaneously. Here are some examples of how you can use pkill:

  • Terminate processes by name: You can terminate processes by their names using the process name as an argument. For example, pkill firefox will send the default termination signal (SIGTERM) to all processes with the name "firefox".

  • Signal processes by name or other attributes: You can send specific signals to processes based on their names or other attributes using the -signal option. For example, pkill -INT python will send the SIGINT signal to all processes with the name "python".

  • Interactive termination: By using the -i option, pkill prompts for confirmation before sending the termination signal. This can be useful to prevent accidental termination of processes.


The pidof command is used to obtain the Process ID (PID) of a running process based on its name. It provides a simple and quick way to retrieve the PID of a single process. Here are some examples of how you can use pidof:

  • Get the PID of a process by name: You can retrieve the PID of a process by specifying its name as an argument. For example, pidof firefox will return the PID of the Firefox browser process.

  • Retrieve multiple PIDs: If there are multiple instances of a process running, pidof will return all the PIDs separated by spaces. For example, pidof python may return multiple PIDs if there are several Python processes running.

  • Use with other commands: The output of pidof can be used as input to other commands. For example, you can use kill $(pidof process_name) to send a termination signal to a specific process.


Process management commands such as pgrep, pkill, and pidof are essential tools for controlling and interacting with processes in a Linux system. They provide efficient ways to search for processes, terminate or signal them, and retrieve their PIDs. By mastering these commands, you can effectively manage processes, troubleshoot issues, and ensure the smooth operation of your Linux system.

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