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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 1.3 - Mounting Local & Remote Devices

In the Comptia Linux+ exam, it is important to understand how to mount both local and remote devices. Mounting allows you to access and work with filesystems and devices on your Linux system. In this guide, we will explore different methods and tools for mounting devices, including systemd.mount, /etc/fstab, the mount command, Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS), and external devices.


Systemd.mount is a powerful tool that allows for the management and automatic mounting of devices during system startup. It uses unit files to define and configure the mount points for devices. Here is an example of creating a systemd.mount unit file:

  1. Create a new unit file using a text editor:

    sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/mydevice.mount
  2. Add the necessary configuration to the unit file:

Description=My Device Mount Point


  1. Save and close the file.

  2. Enable the unit to ensure the device is automatically mounted at boot:

sudo systemctl enable mydevice.mount
  1. Start the unit to mount the device immediately:
sudo systemctl start mydevice.mount


The /etc/fstab file is a central configuration file that lists all the filesystems and devices to be mounted during system boot. It provides a way to define permanent mount points and options for each device. Here is an example of an /etc/fstab entry:

/dev/sdb1   /mnt/mydevice   ext4   defaults   0   2

In this example:

  • /dev/sdb1 is the device to be mounted.
  • /mnt/mydevice is the mount point where the device will be accessed.
  • ext4 is the filesystem type.
  • defaults are the mount options.
  • 0 represents the dump frequency (used by the dump command).
  • 2 represents the filesystem check order (used by the fsck command).

To mount all devices listed in /etc/fstab, you can use the following command:

sudo mount -a


The mount command is a versatile tool for manually mounting devices on Linux. It allows you to mount a device at a specific mount point. Here is an example of mounting a device using the mount command:

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/mydevice

In this example:

  • /dev/sdb1 is the device to be mounted.
  • /mnt/mydevice is the mount point where the device will be accessed.

To unmount a device, you can use the umount command followed by the mount point:

sudo umount /mnt/mydevice

Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS)

LUKS is a disk encryption specification that allows you to encrypt and secure your data. It provides a way to create encrypted partitions or volumes on your Linux system.

To encrypt & mount a LUKS-encrypted device, you can follow these steps:

  • First, identify the device you want to encrypt. For example, let's assume the device you want to encrypt is /dev/sdb1.

  • Use the cryptsetup command to create the LUKS partition on the device. Open a terminal and run the following command:

    sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb1

    This command will prompt you to enter a passphrase to use for unlocking the encrypted device. Make sure to choose a strong and secure passphrase and confirm it when prompted.

  • Create a mount point directory for the LUKS device:

    sudo mkdir /mnt/myluks
  • After creating the LUKS partition, you need to open it and map it to a device file under /dev/mapper. Run the following command:

    sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb1 myluks

    Here, myluks is the name given to the mapped device file. You can choose any desired name for the mapping.

  • Once the LUKS partition is open and mapped, you can format it with a filesystem of your choice. For example, to format it with the ext4 filesystem, run the following command:

    sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/myluks

Replace myluks with the name you chose during the luksOpen command.

  • Finally, you can mount the encrypted device to a mount point of your choice. For example, to mount it to /mnt/myluks, run the following command:

    sudo mount /dev/mapper/myluks /mnt/myluks

Adjust the mount point path according to your preference.

Now, the device /dev/sdb1 is encrypted using LUKS, and the unlocked and mapped device is accessible at /dev/mapper/myluks. You can access and use the encrypted device by interacting with the mapped device file. Remember to unmount and close the encrypted device when you're done using it by running the respective commands (umount and cryptsetup luksClose).

To unmount the LUKS-encrypted device, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Ensure that no processes or applications are actively using the mounted device.

  • Unmount the device using the umount command:

    sudo umount /mnt/myluks
  • Close the mapped device using the cryptsetup command:

    sudo cryptsetup luksClose myluks

By following these steps, you can securely encrpyt, mount, access and unmount LUKS-encrypted devices on your Linux system, providing an additional layer of protection for your sensitive data.

External Devices

Linux provides seamless support for various external devices such as USB drives, external hard drives, and network-attached storage (NAS) devices.

To mount an external device, follow these general steps:

  • Connect the external device to your system.

  • Check the device's filesystem type using the lsblk command:

  • Identify the device's name, such as /dev/sdb.

  • Create a mount point directory to access the device:

    sudo mkdir /mnt/mydevice
  • Mount the device to the mount point:

    sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt/mydevice
  • You can now access the contents of the external device through the mount point /mnt/mydevice.

To unmount the external device, use the umount command:

sudo umount /mnt/mydevice

Properly unmounting the device ensures that all data is written to the device and prevents data loss or corruption.


In conclusion, understanding the different methods and tools for mounting local and remote devices is essential for managing and accessing filesystems on Linux. Whether you use systemd.mount, configure entries in /etc/fstab, or manually mount devices with the mount command, you can effectively manage storage devices and access their contents.

Additionally, being familiar with LUKS encryption and the process of mounting LUKS-encrypted devices adds an extra layer of security to protect sensitive data.

Finally, the ability to mount and unmount external devices enables seamless integration and usage of USB drives and external hard drives on your Linux system.

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