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CompTIA Linux+ XK0-005 - 1.2 - File Archiving & Backup

In the Comptia Linux+ exam, it is important to understand the process of archiving files for efficient storage and easy transfer. File archiving involves bundling multiple files and directories into a single archive file, making it convenient for backup, compression, and transportation purposes. Understanding file backup techniques is essential to ensure data integrity and disaster recovery. Backing up files allows you to protect valuable data from loss or corruption. In this guide, we will explore commonly used file archiving and backup utilities such as: tar, zip, cpio and dd.


The tar utility is widely used in Linux for creating and extracting archive files. It preserves file permissions, ownership, and timestamps. The basic usage of tar is as follows:

Creating a tar archive

To create a tar archive, use the -cvf options followed by the archive file name and the list of files or directories to be included in the archive. Here is an example:

tar -cvf archive.tar file1.txt directory/

This command will create a tar archive named archive.tar containing file1.txt and the directory directory.

Extracting files from a tar archive

To extract files from a tar archive, use the -xvf options followed by the archive file name. Here is an example:

tar -xvf archive.tar

This command will extract the files and directories from the archive.tar file.

Additional tar options

  • To specify a different directory for extracting the files, use the -C option followed by the target directory.
  • To compress the tar archive using gzip compression, use the -z option.
  • To view the contents of a tar archive without extracting, use the -tf option.


The zip utility is another popular file archiving tool that provides compression along with archiving. It is widely supported on various platforms and allows for easy extraction on different operating systems. Here is how you can use zip:

Creating a zip archive

To create a zip archive, use the zip command followed by the archive file name and the list of files or directories to be included in the archive. Here is an example:

zip file1.txt directory/

This command will create a zip archive named containing file1.txt and the directory directory.

Extracting files from a zip archive

To extract files from a zip archive, use the unzip command followed by the archive file name. Here is an example:


This command will extract the files and directories from the file.

Additional zip options

  • To compress the files in the archive using maximum compression, use the -9 option.
  • To add files and directories to an existing zip archive, use the -u option.
  • To view the contents of a zip archive without extracting, use the -l option.


The cpio command is a versatile utility that allows you to create and extract archives. It is commonly used for file backups due to its ability to preserve file permissions, ownership, and directory structure. Here is how you can use cpio for file backups:

Creating a cpio archive

To create a backup archive using cpio, use the -o (or --create) option followed by the archive file name. You can then pipe the list of files or directories to be included in the backup using the find command. Here is an example:

find /etc -depth | cpio -ov > backup.cpio

This command will create a backup archive named backup.cpio containing the files and directories located at /etc.

Extracting files from a cpio archive

To extract files from a cpio backup archive, use the -i (or --extract) option followed by the archive file name. Here is an example:

cpio -iv < backup.cpio

This command will extract the files and directories from the backup.cpio file.

Additional cpio options

  • To preserve file permissions and ownership while creating or extracting the archive, use the -p (or --preserve) option.
  • To list the contents of a cpio archive without extracting, use the -t (or --list) option.
  • To specify a different working directory for extracting files, use the -d (or --directory) option followed by the target directory.


The dd command is a powerful utility used for low-level copying and backup operations. It allows you to create exact replicas of disks or partitions, making it useful for disk cloning and raw backups. Here is how you can use dd for file backups:

Creating a raw backup image

To create a raw backup image using dd, you need to specify the input (source) and output (destination) devices or files. Here is an example:

dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sda1_backup.img bs=4M

This command will create a raw backup image named sda1_backup.img by copying the contents of the source device (/dev/sda1) with a block size of 4MB.

Restoring from a raw backup image

To restore from a raw backup image, you need to reverse the input and output devices or files in the dd command. Here is an example:

dd if=sda1_backup.img of=/dev/sda2 bs=4M

This command will restore the contents of the backup.img file to the destination device (/dev/sda2).

Additional dd options

  • To view the progress and statistics of the dd operation, use the status=progress option.
  • To specify a different block size for copying, adjust the bs (block size) parameter as per your requirements.


In this guide, we explored two commonly used file archiving utilities: tar and zip. The tar utility is ideal for creating and extracting archive files while preserving file permissions and ownership. tar is also able to created a compressed archive. zip provides compression along with archiving, and is compatible with different operating systems other than Linux.

We also explored two commonly used file archiving and backup utilities: cpio and dd. The cpio command allows you to create and extract archives while preserving file permissions and ownership. On the other hand, the dd command is ideal for creating exact replicas of disks

Understanding how to create and extract archive backup files using tar, zip, cpio and dd will enable you to efficiently manage and transfer files in your Linux environment.

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